Modi, who was himself sacked by the board on Wednesday said the BCCI have damaged the IPL and were hell bent on destroying the tournament just to satisfy personal agendas. The 46 year old Modi, who was himself suspended in April 2010 of his position as vice-president of the Board of Control for Cricket in India because of financial irregularities, was formally removed from his role as commissioner of the Twenty20 Champions League. His irregularities included the payment of facilitation fee’s, tax evasion and money-laundering, allegations which Modi categorically denies.
As per Modi things were manipulated against him and he was fault less. Modi said to media that the game of Cricket is bigger then the organization so all need to work together. In real BCCI have to face the fact that they had sheltered corrupted people in the organization and for them to run game was more important. As per him he’s glad he‘s not a part of such corrupt set up. “All illegal things done by CSK and its owners have been over looked by BCCI. Why? Who is running the show? What has Srinivasan got on them Members go to meetings and listen to Diktat of President and President elect. If you open your mouth you are thrown out. This cannot go on.”BCCI’s total disregard for Franchisees and there stakeholders only goes to show that – BCCI has lost the ability to administer sensibly. Instead of concentrating on building IPL and BCCI – they have chosen a path of vengeance and in that they will only hurt the Game, the status of all teams is the same. They were all approved. There is no ambiguity as far as that is concerned. The action it totally illegal they are hell bent on destroying something that we as Indians are proud of – The IPL. So as to satisfy there personal Agendas.”
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